Companion Animal Federation
Why should we buy....
When those in rescue centers die?!

Companion Animal Fedeation has earned its reputation in its proactive approach in life-loving mission to the community of Hong Kong since its incorporation.

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What is the meaning of adoption?

Adoption is a choice that is self-sacrificial . The original animal owner gives up
their legal rights to be the animal's parent because they cannot provide the best
affordable care . (financial, emotional, and so on ) that the animal may need.
Choosing an adoptive family means that the animal can therefore receive the love
and support that it deserves.

Act today! Adopt from CAF.

Would you commit to them "Till death shalt thou part "?

Please come and help and change their life.

Give them a bit more tolerance , patience and love.....

And the world will be more beautiful because of you.


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