Companion Animal Federation
Love your Animal -
a lifetime commitment

Companion Animal Federation has earned its reputation in its proactive approach in life-loving mission to the community of Hong Kong since its incorporation. .

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Important Notice - Coronavirus and SARs

April 2003

There is an increasing concern of the possibility of whether or not the Atypical Pneumonia will be transmitted from animals to humans. Earlier in April there was an article in a local newspaper reporting that coronavirus was found in a companion animal living in the Amoy Gardens.

However up to this moment there is no proven record of any direct transmission of the diseases of SARs from animals to humans. Viewing the whole matter from another angle, the animal in Amoy Gardens could have been exposed to the same virus ( via air, water source, droplets ) and so on.

Generally speaking , another type of coronavirus is commonly found in companion animals ( dogs / cats ) which cause them problems in the Gastrointestinal track and would cause some slight dihedral. This will not cause any fatal consequences and will not affect humans. This kind of coronavirus has existed for a long time and is not any brand new virus after the outbreak of SARs.

In due respect please stay calm and do not abandon your companion animals without reasons.

Companion Animal Federation (CAF) is very concerned with the increased numbers of abandoned animals out of the fear from animal owners during this critical time.

We hereby provide some guidelines for all companion animal owners :

1 Please observe and follow principles of good personal hygiene for both companion animals and humans.
2 Clean the feet of your animal with warm soap water after any outdoor activities.
3. Keep the household environment clean as far as possible.
4 Try best to keep your companion animal separated from other animals.

Should you need any help or assistance please call us at 852.2146-4383 during office hours

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