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Dogs Toilet Training

Toilet Training is an important part for the relationship between you and your buddies. Sometimes dogs just forget where to go, but sometimes old dogs can suffer from urinary incontinence. Please get your vet to check your older dogs.

Just as in humans, elderly dogs can become incontinent. There is very little that can be done, so please don't distress your old friend. Just train him as if he were a puppy and praise him every time he does things right.

The general routine for puppies is to let them out after eating, sleeping and every hour or so in between.

1. Try to persuade your puppy to walk himself to the area he can use, whether it is inside or outside.

2. Do not punish a puppy for any mess you find later. Dogs cannot learn unless you catch them in the act.
Many owners say that their dog " acts guilty " when they
return. However,
Dogs do not feel guilt.

The actual thing is : Your dog associate sa mess on the floor and your return with punishment. You will only produce a dog who worries about you returning and the stress of that can mean he cannot hold on very long.

3. If you do catch your puppy " at the time of the crime " one of the best tricks to do is to clap your hands and shout loudly to distract him.

4. Try to get a toy or treat and lead the dog to where you want him. When he urinates at the right place you want, , give him lots of praise. You must be there to praise your puppy every time he performs for much longer than you think.

5. Do not just leave your dog alone, eg in the toilet or outside. Well, Too many people put the dog outside and leave him alone. When he does go to the toilet there is nobody there to tell him he got it right so next time he comes and does it indoors. You need to be at the place with your dog until you are absolutely sure that he understands the rules. ......

Want to learn more? Look for our CAF Animal Behaviour and Grooming Courses!
last updated : 31 Dec 2003

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